nocomputer and Raccoons Group tie the knot

nocomputer grows and structures under the innovation cluster Raccoons

nocomputer, the Belgian creative technology lab, officially joins the innovation cluster Raccoons after numerous successful collaborations. Together, they form a strong team of innovative experience builders who go the extra mile to use technology creatively. And that on Valentine's Day. A match made in heaven.

Creative technology lab

As a technical translator of creative campaigns, nocomputer has guaranteed the development of engaging experiences for more than six years. The team builds interactive installations and uses code to deploy new types of software for art, personalized content, and advertising campaigns.

nocomputer does not shy away from innovative technologies - think augmented reality, virtual reality, or artificial intelligence. On the contrary, the team always seeks the limits of the possible to achieve a surreal result. And let that be precisely the mission of Craftworkz, Raccoons' prototyping venture: to innovate with technologies to help creative agencies make an impact.

Under one denominator

Where the two companies previously operated separately, they have increasingly collaborated in recent years and have become each other's right hand. This has resulted in numerous innovative projects. They made an airplane land over the lightning-fast fiber network from a house in London for EE, one of the largest internet providers in the United Kingdom, and recently built an interactive experience for De Warmste Week. As an innovation cluster, Raccoons' expertise complements nocomputer's perfectly for such projects.

"It really is a match made in heaven. After many successful collaborations, we concluded that we are stronger together than alone. Hannah truly became my right hand last year, and we were able to realize the craziest projects together," says Wim Vanhenden, founder of nocomputer. "The merger with Craftworkz fits perfectly within our strategy: to offer our customers the widest possible spectrum of innovative solutions."

To seal the marriage, the two companies will now continue under one name: nocomputer. The company will operate within the warm nest of the Raccoons innovation cluster, which now counts 60 passionate experts. “That way, we can still work with the technical talents that work for Raccoons, and we can continue to service our clients in diverse areas,” says Hannah Patronoudis, managing partner of Craftworkz.

International growth strategy

For several years, nocomputer has also been a strategic partner of the creative production company Tool of North America under the banner of Tool Belgium. This partnership is now being further shaped. "With the merger, there is also a new role for me as Technical Director at Tool of North America. Of course, I will remain at nocomputer as an advisory member, specifically as a technology advisor," says Wim. "Hannah will now take on the operational side, but nocomputer will, of course, continue to do what it does best. We look forward to continuing our work in Belgium and abroad."

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nocomputer and Raccoons Group tie the knot

nocomputer grows and structures under the innovation cluster Raccoons

nocomputer, the Belgian creative technology lab, officially joins the innovation cluster Raccoons after numerous successful collaborations. Together, they form a strong team of innovative experience builders who go the extra mile to use technology creatively. And that on Valentine's Day. A match made in heaven.

Creative technology lab

As a technical translator of creative campaigns, nocomputer has guaranteed the development of engaging experiences for more than six years. The team builds interactive installations and uses code to deploy new types of software for art, personalized content, and advertising campaigns.

nocomputer does not shy away from innovative technologies - think augmented reality, virtual reality, or artificial intelligence. On the contrary, the team always seeks the limits of the possible to achieve a surreal result. And let that be precisely the mission of Craftworkz, Raccoons' prototyping venture: to innovate with technologies to help creative agencies make an impact.

Under one denominator

Where the two companies previously operated separately, they have increasingly collaborated in recent years and have become each other's right hand. This has resulted in numerous innovative projects. They made an airplane land over the lightning-fast fiber network from a house in London for EE, one of the largest internet providers in the United Kingdom, and recently built an interactive experience for De Warmste Week. As an innovation cluster, Raccoons' expertise complements nocomputer's perfectly for such projects.

"It really is a match made in heaven. After many successful collaborations, we concluded that we are stronger together than alone. Hannah truly became my right hand last year, and we were able to realize the craziest projects together," says Wim Vanhenden, founder of nocomputer. "The merger with Craftworkz fits perfectly within our strategy: to offer our customers the widest possible spectrum of innovative solutions."

To seal the marriage, the two companies will now continue under one name: nocomputer. The company will operate within the warm nest of the Raccoons innovation cluster, which now counts 60 passionate experts. “That way, we can still work with the technical talents that work for Raccoons, and we can continue to service our clients in diverse areas,” says Hannah Patronoudis, managing partner of Craftworkz.

International growth strategy

For several years, nocomputer has also been a strategic partner of the creative production company Tool of North America under the banner of Tool Belgium. This partnership is now being further shaped. "With the merger, there is also a new role for me as Technical Director at Tool of North America. Of course, I will remain at nocomputer as an advisory member, specifically as a technology advisor," says Wim. "Hannah will now take on the operational side, but nocomputer will, of course, continue to do what it does best. We look forward to continuing our work in Belgium and abroad."

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